Everywhere I am part of everything is a part of me 2023
It starts with dirt. Dirt is you, will be you, and has been you. Each shallow footprint you leave follows the seemingly erased paths that humans have walked for thousands of years. Your movement follows that of invisible animals, multitudes of creatures coming before and after you. Remember the weight of all those bodies, their movement, that presence that has carved earth.
Hold on to earth. Keep a stone in your pocket to understand time. Make room for all the small beings and growth in the spaces you share. Open your hands to both receive and to offer. You own nothing. You are supposed to be a guardian, as your movements interweave with every earthly entity. Come to this place and fill your cup here, in these whirlpools and rivers. You have only a short time to share before it is empty. And, until we each have our chance to sink back into the earth to become gardens: wild, infinite, unknowable, and free.